Photo: Krista Schyler/ILCP

Conservation Solutions Focused on the Future

Wilburforce Foundation has identified thirteen geographic priority regions in western North America that are critical for wildlife and ecological resilience.

By concentrating our efforts in these areas, we can create a connected network of lands and waters that allow wildlife to thrive. Additionally, we invest in cross-cutting programs that span all three regions to increase our chance of success on the ground.

our geographic programs

We’ve organized our efforts around three primary geographic programs, each containing several priority regions. We adapt our strategies to best address the specific needs of each unique region.

Alaska /
British Columbia

The Alaska and British Columbia Program focuses on five priority regions within Wilburforce Foundation’s furthest northern and western landscapes, from the Arctic to the plateaus and mountains of the Chilcotin in south-central British Columbia.

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Northwest /

The Northwest/Southwest Program focuses on three priority regions within western North America, from the Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest through the Great Basin and into the Sierra Madre Occidental in northwest Mexico.

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to Yukon

The Yellowstone to Yukon Program supports conservation in five priority regions from Yellowstone National Park in the south, following the spine of the continent north to the Yukon where the mountainous corridor spills out onto the Arctic plains.

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our supporting programs

Our approach to conservation is holistic, multi-faceted, and highly collaborative. We don’t just connect regions, we connect people and communities to invaluable expertise and resources.


The Conservation Science Program enhances the ability of our grantees and partners to effectively adopt and share scientific information, methods, tools, and solutions.

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Law & Policy

The Conservation Law and Policy Program focuses on defending key environmental laws and increasing support for advancing conservation plans, policies, and practices.

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The Capacity Building Program works with our grantee partners to develop individual and organizational competencies, and increase capabilities that contribute to sustainability and effectiveness.

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