Photo: Tim Greyhavens

Northwest / Southwest

Photo: Ethan Aumack

The Northwest/Southwest Program focuses on three priority regions within Western North America: Cascadia, the Great Basin, and the Southwest Crescent.

These regions are the traditional lands of indigenous people past and present, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the tribal nations that have lived here and stewarded these lands and waters since time immemorial. 

These lands contain rich ecosystems in two countries, six US states, and two states in Mexico, and represent some of the most iconic landscapes in the West: From the soaring ancient rainforests of Cascadia, to the wild Sagebrush Sea of the Great Basin, the ecologically diverse mountainous forests of Utah, the globally significant Grand Canyon ecoregion, and the world biodiversity hotspot of the Transboundary Sky Islands, this vast program area hosts an incredible array of wildlife, from jaguars and coatis in the south to grizzly bears and salmon in the north. Equally important are the regions’ human customs, cultures, and languages that are as diverse as the landscape itself. 

Throughout the program area, we look for opportunities to restore, protect, and connect wild places and the wildlife that depend on them. We support efforts that enhance collaboration among diverse stakeholders, provide policy-informed conservation and social science research, and build active constituencies for wildlife and wild places. 

The priority regions for the Northwest/Southwest Program are:   

  • Cascadia 
  • The Great Basin  
  • The Southwest Crescent  


For more information about these and other Wilburforce regions, please see our Priority Region Map.

Staff Contact:

Denise Joines  Program Director 206.632.2325 x104

Yolanda Morris Program Officer 206.632.2325 x106


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