Photo: Denise Joines

Capacity Building

Linda Pedelty of TREC leading a training at the B Bar Ranch, Montana. Photo: TREC

Wilburforce Foundation will advance its mission only if our grantees have the leaders and systems they need to thrive. That’s why for more than twenty years we’ve made a significant commitment in grantee capacity building. We know that when we support our grantees beyond the grant check, we all benefit.

The capacity building resources we offer are designed to maximize impact through customized programs that are contextual, continuous and collaborative. We invest in leaders, organizations, and campaigns, partnering with service providers that offer specialized consulting, coaching and training on leadership development, fundraising, financial management, human resource management, communications, strategic planning, technology, and more.

Capacity building support is available to current grantees only. The Capacity Building Program does not accept grant applications. Instead, we underwrite a limited number of providers, such as Training Resources for the Environmental Community (TREC), to tailor services to our programmatic grantees.

Our Foundation is consistently rated as having a significant positive impact on our grantees’ organizations in a biannual Grantee Perception Report commissioned through the Center for Effective Philanthropy. The report reveals that the proportion of our grantees that receive the most intensive, helpful kinds of assistance rate is among the highest when compared to other funders who participate in this survey.

Staff Contact:

Lisa Weinstein
Executive Director
206.632.2325 x114

Jeanne Cragin
Grants Officer
206.632.2325 x113


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